With Barry just blowing itself out and as many as 8 hurricanes forecast for 2019, hurricane season is obviously a big deal for all of us on the East Coast. With major systems of winds moving at up to 111…

With Barry just blowing itself out and as many as 8 hurricanes forecast for 2019, hurricane season is obviously a big deal for all of us on the East Coast. With major systems of winds moving at up to 111…
In 2016, there were well over 268 million registered vehicles and over 220 million licensed drivers on US roads. Out of these, several hundred thousand got into crashes. In 2016 alone, there were around 34 thousand fatalities, a couple of…
When it comes to insurance, people often shy away from getting down to the fine print and details because they assume that it is a tedious and cumbersome process. While reading the fine print isn’t exactly fun, it is absolutely…
Umbrella insurance is secondary insurance coverage that covers liability over and above the standard liability cover taken on other policies like the homeowner or other small business policies. It could provide a cover on multiple properties and assets depending upon…
Starting a business involves risk. But when something unexpected happens, having business insurance can be the difference between your business surviving or going under. Having business insurance safeguards your business against a variety of risks like property damage and legal…
Building a business requires a lot of determination, hard work, and some luck as you take steps in the right direction. When planning to open a new food business, be it a restaurant or a bakery, you probably think about…
Contrary to popular belief, the best insurance, whether it’s for your home or your small business, is not the one that’s the most expensive but rather the one that provides cover when you need it the most. Another important factor…
The 21st century has seen rapid technological progression at unmatched speed. A considerable part of human life has been digitized. This has changed practically every industry on the planet, and the insurance industry is no exception. Small businesses are now…
The cold winters bring in a unique set of difficulties. While this is true for all of us, there is a special challenge for small businesses that depend on their ability to sell through their retail establishments or to deliver…