

Our Insurance policy protects both the restaurant building and its contents. Also protected are your valuables, including computer equipment, kitchen implements, appliances, furnishings and your point-of-sale equipment. It is important that you maintain enough coverage to replace all your property.

A restaurant  insurance cover bodily injury or property damage claims that result from accidents, like slips and falls. Protects your restaurant from claims arising from food-borne illnesses.
Food that customers consume on your premises may not qualify as a ‘product’ under your policy unless an endorsement called Product/Completed Operations Hazard Redefined is attached. This endorsement ensures that claims arising out of the food you sell will be covered under products/completed operations coverage, whether it is eaten on or off your premises. Buildings that house restaurants are prone to damage by fire. Moreover, many restaurant owners lease the building in which they operate. If you accidentally start a fire that damages a building you rent, your landlord might sue you for property damage. If your business provides health insurance, dental coverage or other benefits to workers, you should consider buying employee benefits liability insurance. This coverage will protect you against lawsuits arising from clerical errors or administrative mistakes you make while handling employee benefits.

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